Hakuhodo Malaysia | Car Drawing Survey
Car Drawing Survey by HILL ASEAN with Sei-katsu-sha Insight
HILL ASEAN, Hakuhodo, Car Drawing, Survey, Hakuhodo Malaysia
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Car Drawing Survey

29 Jun Car Drawing Survey

In the survey, each parent and child drew a picture of what comes to mind when you hear the word car’” and car you want to drive in the future , in an attempt to grasp the future automobile trends from the differences of the cars drawn by the parent”  and child , and of what comes to mind when you hear the word car’  (at present)”  and car you want to drive (in the future) . *In Singapore, the survey targeted only children.

Children in Japan in earlier societies often drew a sedan when they heard the word car . But most children today draw an MPV. MPVMulti Purpose Vehicle

In Thailand, Pick-ups are currently one of the most popular car types. How many of the targeted children there would draw a Pick-up as the car they want to drive in the future?

In Indonesia, MPVs are mainstream. How many of the targeted children there would draw an MPV as the car they want to drive in the future?

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